1. The swing is only to be used by students who require this intervention as a part of their school-based sensory program as directed by the OT.
2. Staff trained by an Occupational Therapist are allowed to provide “therapeutic swinging” with a student as directed. The therapist will provide the principal a list of students and staff members who have been trained to use the swing. The list will be updated as necessary.
3. Swinging is contraindicated for students with a history of seizures.
4. The student is to be supervised by a trained staff member throughout therapeutic swinging.
5. Prior to swinging a student, additional exercise mats should be placed under the swing to the depth of 50cm if appropriate soft fall is not installed.
6. A minimum of 1.8meters of clearance on all sides of the swing is required for safety.
7. Do not let the student swing if they are unwell .
8. Swinging should last for no longer than 15 minutes at a time. Generally swing durations are 5 minutes. 15 minutes of swinging can produce effects that last up to 8 hours.
9. Proprioception and heavy work activities before, during, and after swinging activities are recommended for maximum student benefit. (The OT will provide treatment suggestions).
10. Students are to be swung in a linear motion, (front to back). The therapist may advise you on variations of this motion depending upon the needs of the student.
11. The swing is to be removed from the swing hookup immediately after completion of swinging and stowed away in the storage area.
12. When in doubt, contact the OT if he/she is available. If they are not, do not swing the student if you have any concerns or unanswered questions.
Swing Protocols adapted from original Mid Valley Special Education Illinois
A sign will be posted on or near the sign with a reminder about appropriate students and trained staff. Student initials will be posted as will the names of staff who have been trained. In addition, this protocol will be posted on or near the swing.
An attenuation zone to mark the swings trajectory on the soft fall is a good guide of the area-of-fall as specified in AS 465.2
Swing apparatus to be stored in the box within the outdoor swing area for safety and durability
Cautions - See Cautions Below
Side effects from swinging may occur immediately or may occur anywhere from 6-8 hours after swinging. These side effects may include eye dilation, agitation, lethargy, flushing, increased heart rate, dizziness, and other possible effects. If any of these occur, STOP the swinging program, report to the health and safety officer on duty and inform the OT as soon as possible.
Underlying deficits presenting during swing therapy e.g. gravitational insecurity
Appropriateness of swing type
Effective duration of swing session
Manageable interactions particularly for speech challenged users
Entrapment considerations
Forces acting on a swing seat are determined by load, i.e. weight acceleration and gravity